Areté Terms
Agora- a public open space used for assemblies and markets, center for athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life
Polis- a city-state in Greece, political entities ruled by their bodies of citizens, words formed from polis--> politics, metropolitan, poll
508 BC- democracy is introduced in Athens by Cleisthenes (leader), establishes a constitution, formalizes democracy, first time in recorded History people revolted against their ruler, Other examples of countries that have revolted against leader--> France, China, Russia
Socrates- a Greek philosopher and is considered the father of western philosophy (in Europe and the Americas)
The death of Socrates- poisoning, charged with two crimes, found guilty, died in 399 BC
The Socratic method- a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between people, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking
Idiot- when the greeks called someone an idiot they meant that that person did not contribute to politics/community and didn't vote
Polis- a city-state in Greece, political entities ruled by their bodies of citizens, words formed from polis--> politics, metropolitan, poll
508 BC- democracy is introduced in Athens by Cleisthenes (leader), establishes a constitution, formalizes democracy, first time in recorded History people revolted against their ruler, Other examples of countries that have revolted against leader--> France, China, Russia

The death of Socrates- poisoning, charged with two crimes, found guilty, died in 399 BC
The Socratic method- a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between people, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking

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