Sites and Situation Notes/Discussion

Notes on Sites:

  • site is the physical characteristic of a place --> (climate, water sources, topography, soil, veg, lat, elevation)
  • combination = distinct character
  • selecting locations for settlements
  • humans have the ability to change the characteristics of sites
Notes on Situation:
  • location of place related to other places 
  • way to indicate location (finding an unfamiliar place, understanding its importance)
  • locations = important because accessible to other places
My Thoughts:
In class, we discussed what a site was and how us, as humans, are able to change the characteristics of a site. For example, humans have started taking down trees in the Amazon Rainforest. These trees are very old and valuable. Although selling the wood from the trees can make Brail a lot of money, I believe that it is wrong to be cutting down trees that are that old and sacred. 
Any place with unique characteristics can be a site. Even my own home is a site! For example, the climate from where I live is usually very hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. The fields are always nice and green and the soil is very healthy. There are not any big hills or a major increase in elevation anywhere. 


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