We have a quiz tomorrow.

Today we learned that we have a quiz tomorrow. The quiz is on the countries of South America and North America. I studied a lot tonight so I think that I will do well tomorrow. 

In class, we took notes on latitude and longitude. I really like taking notes and I find it very relaxing. I usually make my notes look perfect and neat. However, today when I was taking I notes, I took up too much time making sure my handwriting looked neat. I got behind very quickly and started to get stressed. By the end of class, I realized that some of the information I was supposed to have written down was not on my paper. Next time I take notes in Human Geo, I will try to get the notes down as quickly as I can in my notebook instead of taking up extra time and making everything look neat. Then, after I take the notes, I can make them look neater at home. 


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