200 years in 4 minutes

We started off class today by watching a video of a dog in a Halloween costume. The dog was dressed up as an ambulance and howled the whole time. After that video, we watched another called, "200 years in 4 minutes." The video discribed how, over the course of 200 years, certain countries were poor and sick and then became healthy and wealthy. However, some countries are still on the bottom. For example, lots of African countries are still very poor and unhealthy and have low life expectancies. But, some countries that had were very unhealthy and had low life expectancies, like China, are thriving now. My favorite part about the video was the "action replay". I thought the video was really cool and I loved Hans Rosling's accent. He was so positive the entire time. He believed that any country can make it to the healthy and wealthy corner with age, trade, green technology, and peace.


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