Preparing for the debate!

Today we had the debate in class. During the class period, everyone went up to the front of the room and presented their argument. We eventually ran out of time. I did not get to present. I was very happy. I get nervous when I get up in front of a whole group of people. Even though they are my classmates, and I know most of them, I still can't calm myself down. I need to work on getting comfortable with talking in front of a group. I need to stop being afraid of messing up and just speak. 

I will argue for the "Abolish Time Zones" side. I will talk about how am/pm are very useless and how confusing they are. If we switch to the 24-hour clock, this will eliminate am/pm. For example, say you have a soccer game tomorrow. Your mom tells you that it is at 7, but you need to leave at 6. You wake up very early and are prepared to leave. But, your mom tells you that your game is actually at 7pm. If we used military time, we can avoid situations like these.


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