more stuff on religions

I forgot to do a blog yesterday. This is the first one I have ever missed! So now, I am writing this blog and then I am going to have to write another one for tonight's blog. Yesterday, we finished taking notes on the 5 major world religions. We also found out that the test was moved to Monday. We started taking notes on Islam after Christianity. Islam has the second largest number of adherents of all the religions in the world. Muslims believe that Muhammad was their founder. The holy book of Islam is the Qur'an. Next, we talked about Hinduism. Hinduism has about 1.1 billion adherents. Their holy book is the Vedas, which are - eternal truths revealed to ancient sages; composed in verse form (meant to be sung and easily memorized). There is no distinct founder of Hinduism. Then, we talked about Buddhism. There are about 500 million-1.5 billion Buddists in the world. They believe in the Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path. Lastly, we discussed Judaism. Their founder is Abraham. Their holy book is called the Torah.


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