Demographic Transition Assignment

Khan Academy:

1. In order to find a country's growth rate, you need to count how many people were added to the population (including births and immigrants) and how many people were removed. You have to subtract the people that were added from the people that were removed.

2. Many things influence population growth, one of them being religion. Some religions promote large families, increasing the number of people in their faith. Some religions will forbid the use of contraceptives, ensuring large families.

3. In stage 3 of the demographic transition, we start seeing a trend towards smaller families because society is better and there are fewer childhood deaths. Child labor laws have been put in place, and now having large family is not economically benefical anymore.

Kim Smith:

1. Since the Agricultural Revolution, (8,000 years ago) until the Industrial Revolution, the world's population only grew by only 67,000 people each year.

2. We will probably hit 9 or even 10 billion people by 2050.

3. In the first stage of the demographic transition, women and children are often seen as property. A woman's status was defined by how many children she had. The women and children represented the wealth of men.

Why Populations Grow:

1. Japan's population has experienced negative rates of natural increase since 2007 and is expected to lose 21% of its population by 2050.

2. One way to measure population growth is by calculating the doubling time. This is the length of time for a population to double in size. It is calculated by dividing 70 by the growth rate. 

3. From 1979 to 2015, China had its one child policy. However, population growth continued anyway. This is because the number of people becoming adults in 1979 was based on the number of births around the 1950's, not 1979. 

I thought that the third video was the most helpful. I liked the third video the best because it had lots of pictures. I thought that this video did a better job of summarizing the whole idea.


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