Exam Essay

On Friday, I am going to have to write an essay in class for the exam. The essay has to be 5 paragraphs long. Mr. Schick gave us three options to write about. I choose option A. 

Here is option A: Option A: Choose three nations from three different parts of the world. Discuss the challenges they face regarding population and migration, using information we learned during our studies (perhaps including CIA World Factbook data, population pyramids, Net Migration Rates, possible overpopulation or underpopulation). Also, analyze what each nation's leaders need to do to deal with these challenges.

For my nations, I choose Japan and Chad. I have not picked my third country yet. I am planning on working on the essay tonight and choosing my final nation. 

I feel very stressed and I am not excited for midterms. Hopefully I get good grades on all of my midterms. 


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