Thinking about thinking

"This is not a pipe." When Mr. Schick first said this, I was confused. How is this not a pipe? It's right there! The whole class was confused. Finally, a classmate raised her hand and said, "It's not a pipe. It's a picture of a pipe." Then, we had this whole discussion about how it's NOT actually a pipe. Instead, it's a picture of a pipe. But, it's also a projection of a picture of a pipe. AND it's a projection of a jpeg of a picture of a pipe. It is a very interesting concept. It's so crazy to think about this one, little picture. I'm really glad that Mr. Schick showed us this picture today. Since this class, I have been more aware when I am thinking. And then I think, 'Wow. I am thinking about thinking.' And then, I think about thinking about thinking. And then, I think about thinking about thinking about thinking. It can go on and on forever. It's really cool that we, as humans, can recognize when we are thinking and we can think about thinking. Next, Mr. Schick showed us a picture of children all sitting in desks, lined up, listening to their teacher in the front of the room. Mr. Schick then asked us what this picture represents. Someone said something that was very thought-provoking. They said that the children represent the people in the cave. This makes sense because they are all listening to one power at the center of the room, and only learning what that person tells them. They are all in rows, and they aren't facing the back of the room, all looking forward. Does this mean that all students are still in the cave?


  1. Fantastic blog, Maddie!

    (Ceci n'est pas une comment.)

    But actually, maybe it is.

    I think.


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