How my cyber week went

Today is the last day of cyber week #1. To be honest, it was a lot harder than I expected. I think the hardest thing for me was avoiding distractions. My phone was always with me so it was really hard to  not to pick it up. Yesterday, I decided to take a break after I finished annotating for English. I decided to watch a show. This break ended up being two hours. This really put me behind and screwed up my whole day. Every day, I usually start off with my Western Civ blog because it's the most fun out of all my homework. Then, I'll do my Spanish and religion homework. Then, I do my Bio homework.  Next, I'll do my math which takes me FOREVER. I really like math this year and I really like my teacher. My teacher is extra helpful and nice. However, it's a lot harder to learn the material at home. Later in the day, I will start my English. English takes a long time too. We are reading Fahrenheit 451 and we are also working on a big project. The last subject I will do is Art. I really don't like art. I am extremely bad at drawing. It takes me forever to draw anything. I don't know why I took the class. I guess I thought it would be easier. Anyways, I am going to relax and enjoy my weekend after I am finished with my work for today.  I am looking forward to cyber week #2. I really doubt that we will be going back to school after cyber week #2 is over. I am just going to try my best to distance myself from other people other than my family and wash my hands as much as I can.


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