The Ancient Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

Today we watched a video. The video was called: The Ancient Greeks: Crucible of Civilization. I liked watching this video better than taking notes from the textbook. I felt like I could understand everything more because of the pictures/acting in the video. We took notes while watching the video. Here are my notes so far:

  • 508 BC --> first revolution (Athens) 
  • Cleisthenes --> born 570 BC, aristocrat
  • first Greek historian --> Herodotus
    • aristocrat: member of the ruling class
    • acropolis: outcropping of rock in the center of Athena
  • life expectancy @ birth was 15 yrs
  • helots --> slave class in Sparta
  • Heroic Ideal: individualism, arte (what everyone should be striving for: greatness)
    • role models --> people in the Odyssey and Iliad
  • "Athena" and Pisistratus
    • reduced taxes and provided free loans
  • grapes, olive trees (olive oil)


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