Patricians and Plebeians

In Ancient Greece, there were two groups of people. The first group, the patricians, were the wealthy upper class. This group of people had many more opportunities than all the other citizens. The patricians had important jobs in the government and were looked up to. However, the plebeians on the other hand, were the lower class citizens. The plebeians were usually farmers, artisans, and merchants. Of course, these people did not have as much money as the patricians. Less money meant a lot less power. Plebeians were given the right to vote, but they could not uphold powerful government positions like the patricians. I am glad that today, this has changed. Today, you can be anyone: rich, poor, a man, or a woman and still run for a government position. But of course, running a campaign is very expensive. However, some things haven't changed since the ancient Greeks. Some people are born into wealthy families. Some people work hard and earn lots of money. Some get lucky and earn lots of money. Unfortunately, some people are born into not so wealthy families. People with lots of money are automatically presented with more opportunities than people with not as much money. However, wealthy people can use their money for bad reasons. For example, the  USC scandal. Obviously, this was not fair to the students that worked hard to get into USC. This is just one example of how people can use their money for bad reasons.


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