Next Week's Test and Slides 32-42 Notes
Next week, I will be taking the short answer portion of the Ancient Rome test from 1:25-2:15 on June 2.
Poor plebs
- Rome hopes for two things: bread and circuses
- bread = free grain from the state, entertainment (Circus Maximus, Colosseum) both keep them alive, quiet, docile and distracted
A change in rule
- Tiberius Gracchus recognized the advantages of courting plebeians --> unsuccessful
- mil generals lead army that conquers land, give them a share of the spoils
- soldier's loyalty was to mil leader, not Republic
Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C)
- conquered huge territory of Gaul, made common folks happy, friends w/ Pompey and Crassus--> formed First Triumvirate
- "crossing the Rubicon": crossing the point of no return
- serves as consul, governor of Gaul--> Pompey jealous--> JC's armies crash w P's in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt (JC winning)
- 44 B.C. --> named dictator
- granted citizenship to people in provinces, expanded the senate, created jobs for the poor, increased pay for soldiers, started colonies
- Assassinated bc senators saw him as a huge threat to their political viability
- Oct named JC's sole heir--> end of Republic!
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