Slides 43-52 Notes

The Second Triumvirate
  • Octavian takes over at age 18
  • Mark Antony experienced general
  • Lepidus powerful politician
    • Oct forces Lep to retire, Oct and MA rivals, MA partners up with Cleopatra, Oct defeats them
  • Oct now unchallenged ruler of Rome, named "Augustus" and "imperator" 
    • now Rome is an empire
  • rules for 40 years, established an era of peace--> Pax Romana (207 years)
  • expanded Roman empire further into Africa, set up civil service to run government/empire
  • died of natural causes
The Emperors

  • amazing general, reluctant emperor
  • death of son--> exiled himself from Rome and left prefects in charge
  • ruled only 4 years, very cruel and extravagant--an insane tyrant!
  • assassinated by Senators, praetorian guards, and the imperial court trying to re-establish the empire
  • suffered from many infirmities
  • took over because last adult male in the family
  • ruled well, built roads, canals, started conquest against Britain
  • died by poisoning from wife (wanted son to rule) 
  • emphasized the arts, huge fire in 64, wanted to rebuild Rome to be more majestic
  • overspent, raided temples for money


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